
November 23, 2007

City Council passes budget... Journal Times snoozes

Mayor Gary Becker must be feeling pretty good these days. Serving his second term - a four-year term he won uncontested - he just ran a budget through the City Council where he got everything he wanted (and then some) with little or no accountability.

Consider some of the issues raised in the city's 2008 budget:

* The city outsourced its information systems department for little savings (and plans to contract the work without taking bids). Wonder how that makes other city employees feel ... your job could be eliminated any year.

* Or your job could be cut, like what the mayor did to the head of the city's human resources department. Perhaps it's an afterthought, but Sylvia Coronado-Romero was the only woman and only Hispanic in a department head role with the city. Some are questioning if the move was even legal, but again, little oversight on this issue.

* Starting next year, every property owner in the city will be charged $50 to fix sewer laterals. Because it's a fee, the money doesn't count against the state-imposed levy limits, which makes it a sneaky way to increase city spending without calling it a tax increase. There's an argument out there that efforts to hold the line on property taxes are forcing municipalities to use end-around tactics to raise money - tactics like hidden fee increases. You'd like to think someone would want to write about an additional $1.1 million in city revenue next year (including a new $90,000 per year position), but apparently not anyone at Racine County's daily newspaper.

* Other cuts that received little to no attention: the loss of a parks position means longer waits for snowplows to clear sidewalks and alleys; a $2 increase in parking tickets; the loss of a city firefighter (remember when the firefighters worked against Becker for shutting down a fire station? The mayor does...)

There are people to blame here, starting with RacinePost. We're here to fill the gaps of our daily newspaper and we got to a few of these stories, but clearly we weren't on top of the major issues coming out of the budget. Heck, we were even surprised the budget got passed so quickly. But we're two people working part time for peanuts, and a website to boot. It's clear a greater focus is needed on city government - the bedrock of journalism for most daily newspapers.

The Journal Times has fewer excuses. There are basic, obvious questions about the budget that were never asked. As far as we can tell, the paper wrote a non-critical story when Becker released the budget (including his entire budget address), a non-critical story about him eliminating the HR director, a brief about two alderman holding budget listening sessions (but no coverage of the sessions), a short story on aldermen wanting to restore a police officer and, to top things off, a 204-word story a day late on the council passing the budget. The story had such little significance to the JT that it didn't even make the front page.

The folks at 212 Fourth Street gave similar, though less comprehensive coverage, to budgets passed by the County Board, Mount Pleasant, Caledonia and Burlington. Someone over there has to get reporters asking critical questions on critical stories - and not just budgets. We need a serious daily news source to get a better understanding of what's happening in the community.

We'll help out as much as possible - and sure hope we have something of value to offer. But we can't do it on the level of a multi-million dollar operation that's been working on the community for decades. We need the JT to shape up as much as anyone - and hope the reporters and editors come around soon. (Hint: It's not too late! There are several story ideas above.)


  1. "Heck, we were even surprised the budget got passed so quickly."

    The city council worked on this for almost three weeks. There were several 4 hour meetings. How is that quick?

  2. Please lets us know what we can do to help. The Post is the only real news in this City.
    Colt's eyes are everywhere.

  3. I'm amazed the city council approved two NEW positions. How about doing an interview with Julie Dresen? Would be interesting to hear what she has to say about all this.

  4. Just how is it possible for a position like the HR director to be cut without council approval? I don't understand what happened there.

  5. From what I know the City will be sued by both the HR Director and the MIS Staff (at least the City Staff) so all kinds of good stuff should come out of the court cases.
    Unless they are settled out of court then we only get to pay the bills.

    Side bar lets look into Point Blue and find out what is going on if what I hear is right blow the top of the pot called Racine.

  6. Too many of the aldermen are lapdogs afraid to oppose the mayor.

  7. I think the Journal Times feels they owe the mayor because he supported them on getting the old fire station tore down. It's the old, "you rub my back, I'll rub yours" going on.

    Quite frankly I'm a little surprised there has been little talk about the situation with Julie Dresen and the creation of the new job, especially when jobs are being cut at the same time.

  8. The mayor and aldermen are all crooks in my opinion.

  9. It is hard not to notice that there is little discussion going on in the local newspaper. Could it be that the paper discourages discussion? Meanwhile the citizens of this county and city are being squeezed and we are all asked to cheerlead when there is nothing to cheerlead about.

    Yes these are difficult times. Public servants are wielding more and more authority over the citizens and the citizens don't even seem to be aware that they are paying more and more for less.

    As Neil Young sings, "Don't tell me no more lies."

  10. All Sheep?
    Or are some ok?

    Let's hear some comments on:
    (feel free to cut & paste)

    and lastly,

  11. The two ex-newspapers guys who run this site know full well why the daily paper doesn't devote adequate resources to follow local government budgets -- it's not a sexy topic!

    These days, newspapers (and other media outlets) are under tremendous pressure to deliver sufficient numbers of readers (eyeballs, viewers, etc.) to advertisers. Let's face it, newspaper readers, TV viewers, radio listeners and most web surfers aren't terribly interested in local government budgets. Therefore, newspapers (and other media outlets) don't assign reporters to such things.

    Is the public poorly served by this behavior? You'd better believe it!! And, by the way, there is absolutely nothing new about this trend. It's been going on for decades (as Mr. Selkowe can attest.)

    The bright side of this is that technology (i.e. the Internet) has opened up media options. In fact, a blogger with a laptop could attend Common Council and/or committee sessions and give the world a blow-by-blow account.

    The bottom line: don't rag about the shortcomings of the traditional news media (Joural Times, Journal Sentinel, WRJN, etc.) Instead, embrace the new technology.

    Pete, Dustin! You paying attention here??

  12. Someone listed all the aldermen and asked which were sheep:

    Coe: Usually more independent these days than he has been in the past
    Anderson: Easily swayed
    Shields: Always against the Mayor not matter what the subject matter
    Kaplan: Nobody has yet to figure this guy out, but somewhat independent
    Maack: More often than not, a sheep
    Weidner: Independent
    Dehahn: Too tied to the unions
    Shakoor: Goes with the flow, does what is most popular
    Karas: Umm..... no comment, but definitely not a lapdog for Becker
    Friedel: Always, no matter what will support Becker, so definitely a sheep.
    Helding: Total lapdog, trembles when Friedel speaks. Too scared to oppose Becker
    Wisneski: Too new to tell, but seems smart. Give him another year or two and he may turn out to be independent
    Spangenberg: Mostly a sheep
    Hart: Sheep
    Mozol: Not exactly a sheep, but not knowledgeable enough to be any sort of viable opposition to Becker.

  13. Coe: Great guy loves the City
    Anderson: Lap Dog but willing to help causes. As time passes will be less a lap dog

    Shields: AntiBecker even when Becker is right. Wants to be Mayor

    Kaplan: Wants to do the right thing but sometimes not sure. Easy to talk to loves the city.
    Maack: Wants to be Mayor I can see him runing.
    Weidner: ??? My bad I should get to know her
    Dehahn: Old Guard but not a Smith wanta be. Is a help to any who call on him
    Shakoor: Very badly wants to be Mayor. Has steped up in his area in the last year or so
    Karas: Not a lap dog.
    Friedel: The bigest lap dog
    Helding: Wants to be Mayor Do not understand why he is siding with Becker unless he is wanting to save Racine after it is ran into the ground
    Wisneski: ???
    Spangenberg: He loves the City I feel he is losing touch. Racine is NOT Mayberry anymore
    Hart: ??
    Mozol: Getting up to speed fast will be a force very soon
    and lastly,
    Becker: I voted for the man and backed him in 2nd term. I was a number one fan.
    Any more I just have no clue...
    Do not understand the gutting of the Police and Fire Dept. Thought he was a man of his word when he said he would keep 200 officers then too he does not live where the bullets fly.
    Do not understand the Uptown artist program in an area that is full of crime. Was that not the idea of the 6th st area?
    Do not understand why he is gone so much as Racine is falling apart?
    Yes we all like to go to parties and hang out but Mr. Mayor Racine needs leadership.
    I feel less and less love with having a City Adim when few Cities this size have one.

    Next Mayor's Racine



    HELDING wins

    The Unions will not back Becker Dem or not they will sit on their hands
    Shield's as Dem Chair will not be much help

    I will back Q.A to at least help get ideas on the table.

  14. Colt you sound like you are all over the city talking to a lot of people so you must be hearing the noise about what's going on with the grant adminitrator position?

  15. my take with becker-sheep percentage (100%=total sheeplike):

    Coe: 95% improved, but does not represent the people in his district. may be tired of being a beckerite?
    Anderson:30% votes his own mind, but not outspoken.
    Shields:0% stays on message. some don't like him, but he fights for what he thinks is right. goes too far sometimes.
    Kaplan: 90% needs to learn to listen. sides with becker on anything significant.
    Maack: 100% talks but nothing comes out. likes to chum with people in power. too close with helding.
    Weidner:100% does not quite get it. is all over the ballpark, but with becker in the end.
    Dehahn:0% his own mind and is for the average person. understands what it is like to work for a living.
    Shakoor:50% too political at times and may be too busy also being a co. super.
    Karas:0% smartest on council. says what he thinks. activist. honest. not always opposes becker in issues. free-thinker.
    Friedel:100% tom=gary. speaks well, but is all rubberstamp. the other sheep follow his lead.
    Helding:100% way too sarcastic. secretly wishes he was robin vos.
    Wisneski:15% independent, eloquent and speaks his mind.
    Spangenberg:98% he listens to all, but is a becker guy. better than friedel, but only because he listens.
    Hart: 100% goes with the (becker)flow. nice guy, conservative.
    Mozol:10% obvious he does not like the way becker runs city.
    and lastly,
    Becker: on surface looks mayoral. in charge and knows it. brought no jobs to city. speaks like a dem but acts GOP. considers anyone who disagrees and the entire council an annoyance. wants it his way only. morale ruiner for employees who feel no job security. people tired of dictatorial style.

    next mayor race:

    running: helding (or his clone, maack,) karas (if healthy,) becker (ego will make him run again,) lumpkin (like last time,) shakoor (or will run for county exec. again)

    helding/maack can't win in a dem city. lumpkin and shakoor: don't know how to run a good campaign. karas knows how to run/win and splits vote with no one else. becker made too many enemies, but will get to april because of split vote and his bankroll.

    general:becker, karas

    winner: karas. young and old people like him. presents himself as radical, but isn't on local issues. needs to raise some $$$s but will have tons of grassroots help. becker has lots of $$$s but no chance with the bridges he has burnt. does not have clue about bad feelings towards him. in campaign, becker will freak and go negative, hurting him. could be a landslide.

  16. Wild Cards
    Point Blue blows up bodies get uncoved all hell brakes lose The City is not Bill Cliton folks talk.

    No Bid Contract for MIS Contract
    J-T finds out why not (no one is a crook just power plays public outrage)

    Grant Writer
    Some one dies before RFD can get help to location City sued again

    All Hurt Becker

    Other Wild Cards

    Q.A wants Mayor office badly to give up county Board starts Grassroots inner-city is pushed makes move to get union backing.
    He understands what Web 2.0 can do hires someone to do it.

    Local Dem get it together Tell Becker they will not back him (Like Shields would)Dems look for a winner find Q.A.

    Q.A. Vs Helding

    Helding Wins

    Note Helding should know WEB 2.0 stuff but will not use it.

  17. Insider I mostly agree with you except for Shields and DeHahn.

    DeHahn will always vote with Karas and follows Karas' lead. Yes DeHahn understands what it is like to work for a living, but then, most of us do. Unfortunately he is too glued to the unions to be objective.

    And Shields, the biggest problem with him is he'll oppose mayor Becker no matter what. Even if it's a good idea, he'll be against it. That in itself makes him useless as an alderman.

    In reverse, Friedel always always ALWAYS supports mayor Becker no matter what. That in itself makes him useless as an alderman.

    We need aldermen who can think for themselves and makeup their own minds.

  18. Why is it that an Alderman who agrees with the Mayor is not thinking for himself and making up his own mind? Perhaps they did this and concluded they agree with the Mayor on the issues.

    It is fairly common for people to accuse those who disagree with them of not thinking through issues or making up their own minds. This happens a lot with the major parties.

    If the Mayor comes up with an idea and explains his position and some alderman listen to the reasoning and agree - why does that make them lapdogs? Wh can't they just agree with the Mayor?

  19. To answer the last anonymous poster, it's ok to agree with the mayor, but it's something else when the alderman ALWAYS agrees no matter what. Some of the aldermen are guilty of this, which is why they are considered lapdogs. It's not possible to agree with someone all the time, and it's not possible to disagree all the time. There are aldermen who have issues with both.

  20. No issues here if Becker has a good idea I would want others to surport it.
    But no one has only good ideas.
    That is what a lap dog does.
    Barks for their master.

  21. After the unions failed to find someone to run against Becker his ego has blown so out of proportion it's an embarassment to the city.
    DeHahn is a kindly older gentleman who really cares about the city. He has been a staunch supporter of the unions because there has been no other voice to really represent them.
    Shields is the new spokesperson for the unions, problem is, he can barely remember the lines they feed him. Democratic party chair is a joke on him by the unions, and he doesn't even know it.
    Coe seems to have changed a lot over the last few years. I think he has even more concern for the city than before, if that's possible. I think he will always do what he thinks is right.
    Q.A., I think he's gotten so frustrated with the squabbling in the African-American community over who should be the main spokesman he's going to charge ahead and end up with that position. Which would be a big boost to the community.
    Karas, unshakable character. Will never be connected to anything smelly concerning city business.
    Weidner is developing the stereotypical "angry woman" image fast.
    Helding is way too easily led around by his ego.
    Don't know much about the rest of them

  22. those i know something about (thank you car25):

    ray - good guy and experienced

    greg - wraps himself in the flag. neo-con

    jeff - claim to fame: fair beat him; he beat fair. nice guy, tho.

    pete - good values - has more guts than any other officeholder racine has ever seen.

    arron: seems smart and also has good values. last name said many different ways. hint: "ew" is not in the phonics.

    david - phony - says what he thinks sounds good and not what is right. neo-con wannabe

    weidner: needs to use her microphone so i can hear.

    ron - very nice guy but often doesn't catch offensive holding :)

    gary - an ego trip on a bar stool. he should have been a uno-termer.

    next mayor race? who cares? its three plus years away and lots can happen.

    congress: paul (that was hard)

    prez race: not important. tired of it already. maybe i'll vote for one of the above.

    i used first names to make it look like i knew all of them well and now i feel important.

  23. Who on earth would want to be an alderman in Racine? Headaches. Little pay. Read crap like above about yourself. Always have someone angry at you.

    Seriously and the sheep question aside, how is it possible to get more smart, dedicated and quality people like Wisneski, Karas, and Friedel to run for the City Council?

  24. Ask them that would work I think
    Give thosev in office now that you like some love. A simple thanks goes a long way.

  25. "The city outsourced its information systems department for little savings (and plans to contract the work without taking bids). Wonder how that makes other city employees feel ... your job could be eliminated any year."

    Wow. Now they know how those of us who pay the taxes feel. Except our jobs can be eliminated any day! When did it become the role of the city to be an employment agency?

  26. "gary - an ego trip on a bar stool. he should have been a uno-termer."
    You forgot to add that his butt is on a barstool and his hand is always on some woman's butt. Never saw such a leering, unabashed womanizer that held political office as this guy. He doesn't even bother with hiding it. Almsot every single bartender or cocktail waitress who's served him has stories about him and the women and the super vulgar language that gushes from his mouth.

  27. Fascinating...

  28. Coe: A Becker pawn.
    Anderson: ?
    Shields: Fights Becker whenever he has a chance.
    Kaplan: ?
    Maack: A Becker pawn
    Weidner: A Becker Pawn
    Dehahn: Is independant
    Shakoor: Is all over the ballpark.
    Karas: The most independant.
    Friedel: The King's pawn
    Helding: Pawns to many.
    Wisneski: ?
    Spangenberg: Maybe. Maybe not
    Hart: A Becker pawn
    Mozol: ?

    Becker: Leads the sheep wherever he wants to take them.

  29. What do you find most fascinating?

  30. Point Blue something is not right.

  31. thought pb was already built. have not driven past it lately, i s'pose

  32. What do I find most fascinating?

    Helding a totie and a neocom...

    Dehahn, Independant. Bought and paid for by the unions.

    The perceptions of some on this thread are facinating.

    Just a couple of random thoughts but some of these opinions are so off base they blow my mind.

  33. Sorry for the bad typing, multitasking.

  34. Real why do you think that way?
    Please expand your thoughts

  35. What is fascinating is the amazing vue of thought here in complete opposition.

  36. Let's look at the comments on my Alderman, Ray DeHahn.

    Dehahn: Too tied to the unions

    Dehahn: Old Guard but not a Smith wanta be. Is a help to any who call on him

    Dehahn:0% his own mind and is for the average person. understands what it is like to work for a living.

    DeHahn will always vote with Karas and follows Karas' lead.

    DeHahn is a kindly older gentleman who really cares about the city. He has been a staunch supporter of the unions because there has been no other voice to really represent them.

    Dehahn: Is independant

    Some of this is right on about DeHahn other is far from reality.

    I don't want to trash the man in a public forum but give the man his due, he does a great job of taking care of constituent issues. He is also way too cozy with the unions and in my opinion looks out for their best interests first. There is also no doubt he take his lead from Alderman Karas. He has also been there way too long to be effective.

    Look at reality here.

    This community has serious problems.

    Unemployment (worst in the state)
    Out of control taxes.

    And what is the answer for the community with this many problems?

    Send the same knuckleheads back into office time and time again.

    Gary Becker running unopposed in a community with this many problems is a joke.

    That is not meant to be defamatory towards Mayor Becker but we need new ideas, new ways of doing things.

    And we need to fix the root problems first.

    Light rail is not the answer to these questions.

    Look at the communities around here experiencing growth and you will see a common thread.

    Good schools, low crime.

    Rail won't fix those things.

    We need new leadership, new ideas and leaders not afraid to speak the truth about the reality of this community.

    And we need people willing to look beyond partisan crap and look to the community.

    What good does labeling Greg Helding a neo con do? (as was done in this thread)

    Greg cares passionately about our city and works his hardest to improve things around here, he does not deserve that.

    By the same token, some of the rheotirc in this town against Pete Karas is appaling. I don't agree with Pete on much but you have to admire his passion. I've told him so many times.

    Again, we need to embrace some realities, make some hard choices and, horror of horrors, possibly offend some people in the process.

  37. Greg Helding is a neo con so that is a good thing is it not?
    The best race would be a Helding vs Q.A. we would see ideas on the table.

    We have three years left MAYBE I think we have a special election in 09.

  38. Well, from reading what people have to say above, I would guess that Mayor Becker's approval rating is about 20%

    It is interesting that a mayor who calls himself a democrat, has such a poor reputation in a democratic city. It appears that while he says he is a democrat, the people do not see him governing in that fashion, i.e. his words do not match his actions.

    In a post on the Journal Times site, someone said something like: I'd even vote for Karas now.

    That comment, plus the comments above would mean that in a largely democratic city, an outspoken green party alderman would likely crush a recently uncontested incumbent democratic mayor if an election were held today.

    I'm not saying that this scenario is good or bad. It certainly ponts out that the mayor has lost credibility, the alderman has proven himself as a force for change that the people trust to take positive action, and most of all that the people are sick and tired of business as usual in government: rehotoric, but no real action. Same ole.' Same ole.'

    My personal opinion is that things have to be shaken up at city hall. (in Madison and Washington, too.) The basic test for me is the creation of living wage jobs and it is apparent that the current city administration does not make this a priority. The proof is in the number of decent jobs created or brought here during the mayor's tenure. An easy thing to do? No. But to not focus on jobs and instead focus on city cosmetic improvements, etc., does not accomplish turning an old rust belt city into a good place to live, work, and raise a family.

    My hope is that there will be a change in attitude in the administration and that this discussion will be a wake up call. I believe the mayor has the tools to do it, so the question is: does he have the will?

    And to do it at the expense of other services is crazy. Don't close a community center, fire more employees, cut public safety, outsource duties to lower wage-paying contractors, etc. There are only so many hours in a day, so the mayor most likely needs to look at how he spends his day, eliminate the things that either others could do or do not have to be done, and get on the phone, knock on some doors, lobby for more state and federal money, and start selling the city to prospective employers. And please no claims of successes until some jobs are created here.

    It really is the only long term solution to the main problem (survival) facing Racine. The other path is just "business as usual."

    Ps: "Real Debate" is correct. Please get off the aldermens' case. They are public servants wanting to do what is best for their city. If you do not like the way they govern, talk to them directly and if that does not work, run for office, remembering that your name will be on lists like the ones above at some point. You will get a hardly any pay, work a lot of hours, get a lot of complaints, and be blamed by someone for just about everything that happens.

  39. "the alderman has proven himself as a force for change that the people trust to take positive action"

    You are kidding, right? What has Pete Karas changed? What did he accomplish this past year - other than surviving an election challenge?

    I thing the things you classify as "cosmetic improvements" are far more than that. New development and new quality of life improvements help bring people and jobs to an area. You cannot just chase smokestacks anymore.

  40. I was speaking of public perception of Pete Karas as opposed to and compared to that of the mayor. The focus of my post is not the alderman, it is the mayor.

    My thoughts lead to the conclusion that the mayor has lost so much credibility that the alderman who is the most outspoken and not part of the establishment is seen as a breath of fresh air by the public.

    What the alderman has or has not accomplished has nothing to do with the point I am trying to make. Maybe I should have been more clear and thank you for the opportunity to clarify what I was trying to say. It would have made it easier to respond to the entire thought and not just part of one sentence. For that, I apologize.

    Last thought: There is job creation possible that do not come with smokestacks.

  41. We need new blood in the city council that will stand up to the Norm...

    I saw on the JT blogs that the local rebel rouser gun dealer is thinking of running for alderman

    He says we need a new city charter removing the mayoral position...

    New faces, new ideas

    An advisory council of constituents to bring in new business, giving tax breaks... more cops and firemen, cameras, 3 strikes for criminals, not a revolving "heated" door

  42. saw that about the gun dealer, too. is he serious or not? he certainly likes to blog at the rjt website. maybe he may be seeking more publicity for his store again? if he actually does indeed run, then maybe not.

    also, i wondr what his issues will be. it would be very hard to knock off the weidner.

    at any rate, the more runnig the merrier.

  43. Its always intersting reading Pete Karas referring to himself in the 3rd person. Everybody knows he is plotting a recall of the Mayor and thinks he will unseat him next April. That simply wont happen. Pete has not been a force for change but he has been a pawn for Gary Solfest and Scott Sharpe. Indpendednt thinker? Scott Sharp tells him how to vote. Open Government? Why did he hold an illegal meeting of that listening committee he chairs and then try to cover it up. Create jobs? How many jobs has Pete created? And what happened to his municipal power plant? Pete needs to hang with real people instead of those far left liberals he thinks represent the mainstream.

  44. Pete Karas is very good at getting the press to print what he wants, it's not at all about how much he's done. He hasn't done much of anything, actually I can't think of anything significant.

    DeHahn is anything BUT independent, he's loyal to the unions, period.

    Why is Real Debate talking about light rail? Commuter rail is not light rail. Only shows how uninformed he actually is, which is sad.

    Coe is NOT a Becker pawn. Watch Car25. He is not afraid to oppose the mayor, unlike Helding and Friedel. When is the last time either Friedel and Helding opposed the mayor on anything? Anything at all? Name one please. Those that claim they are independent are uniformed.

    Julie Dresen could add to the comments made about the mayor in bars. She has been seen on more than one occassion flirting with mayor becker herself at the bars. Doesn't surprise me if she gets the job.

  45. All the comments about who may or may not be getting the Grant Writer job seem very similar to comments made by city employees in the HR department, the finance department, and the mayor's office.

  46. Does anyone know where I can find free online grant applications?

