November 28, 2007
Abused puppy rescued by humane society
Today the employees of Countryside Humane Society wept again over the cruelty of the human race.
A 6-week-old Shar Pei / Pit Bull mix puppy was picked up by Randy Lansbury, one of Countryside's Humane Officers. The pup had suspicious looking wounds on its body and, to the horror of the employees at Countryside, the pup's vulva appeared to have been cut open.
The pup was taken to a veterinarian who will test the pup for illness, and clean and stitch her wounds. The veterinarian said it looked like someone caused the superficial wounds with a dull knife, then moved to the genitals and cut the pup there. The puppy, now called Star, will stay in foster care until her wounds are healed, and then placed for adoption.
Hopefully, this little pup who started out life in such a horrible way will grow up to be a potentially large sized adult dog, with a brighter future.
Update, 11/30: We stopped in to see how Star was doing today and she was doing fine! The vet's stitched her up and she was in no pain (but on medication). She's quiet, but inquisitive, and was very friendly as we took pictures and got acquainted. She'll be recuperating for about six weeks before Countryside puts her up for adoption.
Any idea what happened to the owners of this pup? Unreal.