
October 30, 2007

The word of the day ends in -phobia

This was going to be one of those "word-of-the-day" posts, but The Goog, as usual, delivered more than it was asked for.

Rather than one word, we have three, all appearing to mean the same thing: a fear of heights.
(Batophobia also carries with it a fear of being close to high buildings.)

All of which is a preamble to the picture at the right. If you suffer from any of the aforementioned -phobias, then step away from the picture, and certainly don't look up as you walk by the Racine County Courthouse for the next few weeks.

Holton Brothers of Grafton is in the second year of a three-year tuck-pointing and stone-securing project; 395,000 of your tax dollars at work. They've already done the north and west sides of the 11-story courthouse and are now working on the south and east sides. They've been at work since mid-August, and will continue until the weather drives them inside. The work is delayed each spring and summer until the courthouses falcons fledge and depart.

For the history buffs among you: the courthouse was built in 1932. The last time it was tuck-pointed was in 1984.

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