
October 4, 2007

UPDATE: Who isn't paying their Festival Park bills?

UPDATE: We heard back from Jim Walczak, who tells us all of the past-due bills are paid. He wasn't sure why there was such a large outstanding balance, but thought some of the bills could have gotten out late.

Walczak also said a number of interesting things about Festival Park and Memorial Hall, which we'll write about over the weekend.


Someone isn't paying their bills. But who?

At the Sept. 26 Civic Centre Commission meeting, Executive Director Jim Walczak said three "major festivals" owed $90,613.88 for renting out the Civic Centre this year. I'm waiting to hear back from the Civic Centre on which festivals owe money.

One group that definitely owes the Civic Centre money are the organizers of the Free Style Fighting competition at Memorial Hall. Walczak told the commission he filed a petition with the small claims court against the fighting competition for an outstanding balance that's more than a year old. A court hearing has been scheduled for Oct. 11 on the matter.

On a positive note, attendance was up 4,000 people at Civic Centre events this year compared to last, and that attendance through August was already higher than all of 2006.

1 comment:

  1. Jim is doing a good job with what he has, the site needs major work like Wi-FI and working PA system but that is an investment the City needs to make. Unless of couse they (City of Racine DRC) want to see more events that should be in Racine move to Milwaukee.
    Again Good Job Jim!
