
October 14, 2007

VIDEO: Ryan on C-Span

U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, on C-Span Sunday:

"Our deficit is the lowest as as a percentage of GDP in about 20 years; the deficit just went down 35% this year from the last estimate, so we're making progress on the deficit. We are still spending too much money."

"When we tax our businesses, our capital, our corporations at the second highest tax rate in the industrialized world, it is inhibiting our competitiveness. So I'm very much worried that we are pushing jobs and businesses overseas and we have to be more competitive on our tax system so we can attract jobs and growth and business here at home. To the extent that we keep raising taxes to pay for ever-higher spending, that hurts our ability to be internationally competitive. It hurts our ability to win in this era of globalization."

"The problem I see with politics today at the national level, both on the Democrat and Republican sides, is that no one has proposed solutions that rise to the level of the challenges that are confronting us today. We have three enormous challenges. Islamic totalitarianism, globalization, and this pending entitlement bankruptcy with the baby boomers beginning to retire this year, and not one of these candidates is getting beyond a two-sentence answer to one of these problems."

"I haven't selected a person to support myself, not that that matters to many people."

Watch the full interview here. (If it doesn't load, upgrade your RealPlayer here.)

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