
October 9, 2007

Teen dance club proposed for former Century Market

Two new night clubs on Sixth Street are trying to work their way through the city approval process.

The city Plan Commission will consider a teen dance club called "The Bricks" at its meeting on Wednesday. Michael Rosales wants to open the club at 522 6th St., which is the former Century Market (see map below).

Rosales brought the idea to the commission's meeting on Sept. 27. The dance club would be open to 16 to 20 year olds on Thursdays and Fridays until 10:45 p.m. Security staff and police would be hired to control the crowds.

The commission deferred action on the proposal and directed Rosales to come up with a business plan and further map out how he would use the building. The proposal comes back to the Plan Commission on Wednesday.

On Monday, the City Council's Public Safety Committee deferred action on a liquor license for Tinita's, a proposed salsa club at 500 Sixth St. A lawyer representing the night club was unable to attend the meeting. The committee is expected to take up the item at its next meeting in two weeks.


  1. My understanding is that they would open after Sticky Rice closed 9:00 PM.
    If this is true that means it would only be open say 2 hours a night? How can a busness run only 2 hours a night?

  2. The city plan comission approved this last night.
