
October 17, 2007

Mayor to introduce 2008 city budget on Oct. 22

Mayor Gary Becker will send his proposed 2008 budget to the City Council on Oct. 22. Likely issues in next year's spending plan include cuts to the police and fire departments, funding for the city's community centers and plans to hire a city grant writer at $90,000 per year.

Becker referenced the police and fire cuts during a recent meeting on programming at the city's Bryant and Tyler-Domer community centers.

The grant writer may be a budget-neutral position, because a grant writer can usually bring in more money than their salary to benefit the city.

A wild card in the budget is whether the state Legislature passes its budget. Without a finalized state spending plan, local governments like Racine don't know how much state aid to expect - a major source of revenue in the city budget.


  1. A $90,000 a year position for a grant writer is being added?? If a grant writer can bring in more money than they earn, then they should work on commissions from the grants they bring in instead of giving them a big fat salary of almost a hundred grand. Give me a break.

  2. Thinking about this even further, if the city wants the position to be financially neutral, than the position SHOULD be based on commissions the grantwriter receives from bringing in grants.

    What's the incentive if the grant writer is sitting fat dumb and happy on nearly 100 grand a year?

    I'd have no problem with this position if it is done on a commission basis.
