
October 23, 2007

Mayor mum on Pointe Blue

We got a chance to ask Mayor Becker about the $200 million Pointe Blue project. Here's how the conversation went:
Racine Post: What have you heard on Pointe Blue?
Mayor Becker: Stay tuned.
Racine Post: Word on the street is nothing will be announced until spring.
Mayor Becker: You can't always believe the word on the street.

Not sure what to make of that ... maybe an announcement is coming sooner than spring. Or, maybe, the mayor was dodging the question. In either case, no word yet on the proposed behemoth along the Root River and Lake Michigan.

1 comment:

  1. My understanding is the land still has NOT been bouight. The Pugh's still own it.
    Point Blue is DEAD DEAD DEAD.
    There is no harm in saying so.
