
October 9, 2007

Mayor grilled at Bryant Center

(See video of the Listening Session at the bottom of this post. Photos/Ken Lumpkin)

Mayor Gary Becker got an earful Tuesday night when he faced 250 people at the Dr. John Bryant Community Center over plans to change programming at the center.

Becker wants the city to partner with community organizations, like the YWCA and YMCA, to offer additional programming at the Bryant and Tyler-Domer community centers. The mayor told the crowd he feels the centers are underused during the day.

Despite promises from Becker that the centers aren't closing or being privatized, the largely African-American crowd opposed the plan. Audience members made it clear through speeches, questions and applause that it didn't want the mayor interfering with the community centers, some going so far as to say they needed to fight to protect the Bryant Center. People noted that they marched to create the center, and said it was an important part of its neighborhood.

The opposition came down to trust. Speakers simply did not believe Becker when he said he intended to add more programs that would be more useful to the neighborhoods surrounding the community centers. The mayor also said the directors of the community centers would remain in charge of programming, even if outside groups are brought in.

Becker didn't help himself when he was unable to respond to James Oates' question about what specific programs would be added. The mayor mentioned a few vague ideas, but couldn't tell the crowd what he meant by additional "programming." He simply wants more use out the community centers.

The sizable attendance seemed to surprise Becker, who was ridiculed and cajoled throughout the evening. At one point, the mayor said more people turned out than he expected - a point made evident by the single speaker and microphone hooked up for the listening session. The small sound system made it difficult to hear in the gym.

Where Becker's proposal goes from here is unclear. Parks and Recreation Director Donnie Snow, who attended the session, supports the mayor's plans, as long as the city remains in control of the centers. Everything Becker said Tuesday night indicated that would be the case. The mayor added that the centers would remain free and open to the public, and that funding for children's programs may actually go up in 2008. If true, it would be one of the few area's in city government to see a boost next year.

Armintta Franklin, of Racine, wasn't buying the mayor's words. "I don't feel the mayor has any interest in the African American community," she said. "The African American community doesn't trust the mayor."


  1. Look into the meetings about this.
    I feel that there is far more to the story then we know.
    Please leave the Centers alone.

  2. Why should the city leave the centers alone? The centers are operated with city tax dollars, MY tax dollars. The fact they are underutilized is a problem and a waste of money - why shouldn't the city look at doing more with the centers?

    It's no news flash that the city is cutting expenses wherever possible, why should the community centers remain untouched?

    From my standpoint, I see most of the community centers as an exclusive blacks-only club, if the city can make the centers more inclusive of all races, then I only see this as a positive for everyone.

    I don't care to hear anymore about the stories about how black people marched to get the centers because they weren't welcome in other places. Times have changed, and ALL races should feel welcomed EVERYWHERE.

  3. More to the story, 1st he attacked the King Center with the idea of turning it into a Boys & Girls club. The people battled him over this and he left that idea alone. 2nd he attacked the Bray Center saying thier programs weren't effective. Later it was proven the programs have been very effective. Now he is attacking all of the other centers in Racine, which he has total control over.. People we have to fight for what is right so lets stand up and fight!!! Mayor Becker, I think that you are in for a long hard battle!!

  4. 1) The King Center/Boys and Girls Club thing was orchestrated by "Reverend" Cohen and not by the mayor. Cohen sent out invites that made it look like the mayor and county exec were behind the effort when in fact they were not. Becker was at the BG Club thing to hear what was being proposed because he did not propose it.

    2) The Bray Center is NOT A CITY OWNED OR OPERATED CENTER. Effective or not, the Ghuari's pay themselves $100,000 a year to run the place and Jameel drives a mercedes.

    3) He said dozens of times at this event - no one is closing the centers or taking away current programming. He is talking about ADDING programming. Why is that so threatening?

  5. Ah yeah, the Bray center is not a city run center. Why is this even discussed? The Bray center receives thousands of dollars from the state each year, enough to pay for Jameel's Mercedes with vanity plates. I am glad the city no longer gives out money on a silver platter like Mayor Smith used to do to Jameel.

    No I don't believe the mayor is in for any long hard battles when it comes to community centers. They are operated and paid for with city dollars. The mayor and aldermen can close them up if they want to, which most tax payers would be ok with. But from what I've read the mayor isn't talking about closing them, he's talking about ADDING programming using additional resources. How can anyone argue against that without sounding like a complete racist idiot?

  6. well since nobody will say who they are,from reading all of the comments, you all are the ones that's racist! It's not always a black & white issue,what about just plain right or wrong.Sure, if you weren't a product of the inner city, it doesn't affect you one way or the other, but neither does my tax dollars that helped pay for that big stadium in milwaukee, home of those TRICKIN BREWERS who always seem to run out of gas at the end!Bottom line is; its a inner city thang; you would'nt understand,so bump you & yo tax dollars cuz i pay em too.So keep yo nose out west,and we'll worry about the rest!

  7. The Bray Center is just Jameel's little Kingdom to recurt for his Knock and Drags + fun liitle games he does there.

    The Centers can be used by anyone if the City wants to control them better then lets see about removing Snow if his guys are not doing the job

  8. "so bump you & yo tax dollars cuz i pay em too.So keep yo nose out west,and we'll worry about the rest!"

    You been worry 'bout the rest for years and that area is total shit. Perhaps that is why some help is needed.

  9. Did anyone show up at this event with actual statistics that showed how effective the existing centers are compared to the Y's or the Boys & Girl's clubs?
    I thought the main focus of the Bray center was as an anti-gang organizational center. Isn't that what they get the state block grants for?
    I really wish there were more straight number to review instead of all this rhetoric.
