
October 8, 2007

Case High accident update: Student still in hospital

Mount Pleasant police sent out an update today on the hit-and-run accident that left a 17-year-old Case High School student seriously injured. The girl, Sarah Liberty, is still in the hospital, but there's no word on her condition. Her family has asked for privacy.

The driver of the car is also a 17-year-old girl. Police confirmed she was fleeing from a potential conflict in the Racine Marriott parking lot when she hit Liberty and continued on Oakes Road to Washington Avenue.

The driver later turned herself into Mount Pleasant police. Police are recommending hit-and-run and first-degree recklessly endangering safety charges. The DA is reviewing the case.

1 comment:

  1. she should have got jail time for that. How could they let her off saying she was fleeing when she drove into the grass hitting sara and almost hitting more students. she didn't even go to that school so why was she there?
