
October 18, 2007

Boston Store discovers the internet!

File this in the better-late-than-never department: Boston Store has just opened on the web!

Bon-Ton Stores Inc., of Pennsylvania, parent of Boston Store and a host of other mostly indistinguishable mall-based department stores (that we love, of course), has put them all online, selling a variety of familiar merchandise.

We can just guess how this happened: They probably hired some high school kid to work the loading dock, and a VP out for a smoke break caught him ordering music or books over that internet thingie, and that gave the executive an idea. "Hey, we could sell stuff over that thingie, too!" Hopefully, he got a big bonus. The kid, not the VP.

So when winter comes, and the car won't start, or hubby hasn't shoveled the driveway anyway, and you happen to be Jonesing for a fix of Boston Store -- or Younkers, Herbergers, Carson Pirie Scott or Bergners, or whatever they're all called today -- why, just go to that computer in your kids' room and it's almost like you're there! And they'll probably be having a sale.

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