
October 29, 2007

The best candidates (our) money can buy?

The Real Debate Wisconsin blog pointed out this weekend that Republican presidential candidates raised $95,000 more from the Badger State than Democratic presidential candidates.

But what about here in Racine? When we vote with our wallets, what's the outcome?

So far in 2007, there's no contest. Checking the Federal Election Commission donation reports reveals two frontrunners, one in each party.

Among Democratic presidential hopefuls, Barack Obama received $7,500, with $3,800 coming from Jeff and Lisa Neubauer. Neubauer, former state party chairman, organized fund-raisers for Obama in the spring that netted $250,000. Far behind: Hillary Clinton and John Edwards each received $1,000. Everybody else on that crowded debate stage got zip.

Among Republicans, put your hands together for Mitt Romney, who received $6,100. Two-thirds of that came from Helen Johnson Leipold and her husband Craig (spending his Predators' windfall early?) Romney's closest competitor in the county is -- drumroll, please! -- a tie: Ron Paul received $4,600 from Sandra and Fred Young Jr. and Tommy Thompson got the same from Loraine and Charles Vignieri. Sam Brownback got $2,300 and John McCain $1,700. Alan Keyes (!) received $201.

Putting all that fund-raising to shame, however, was the S. C. Johnson & Son Inc. Political Action Committee, which received $43,275 in donations. There were six $5,000 checks from family and board members, and the rest from board, directors and employees in amounts ranging from $2,000 to $250.

And where is the SCJ PAC spending its money? So far this year, it has made 13 donations of $1,000 or $2,000 to House and Senate candidates around the U.S., in an eclectic variety of states like California, New Hampshire, Texas, Virginia, Arizona, Arkansas, Iowa and Maryland. The money was split equally between the two parties, although seven Republicans received donations vs. six Democrats. Only one Wisconsin pol has benefitted: U.S. Rep. Tom Petri, R-6th District (Oshkosh and Sheboygan), received $1,000.

Want to do your own search, find out who your neighbors are supporting? Start HERE and HERE.


  1. Interesting spin on the local side.

    Scarry that Ron Paul is getting so much money!

    Interesting that the two front runners showed so badly.

  2. I vacationed on east coast in September. I was amazed regarding the presidential race because so many people I talked to felt the campaigning was over and that the candidates would be Clinton and Guiliani.

    The midwest, always more in touch than either of the coasts, hasn't decided.

    Obama is attractive, articulate and a bridge builder.

    I was impressed by Edwards when he came to Racine (twice) and spoke to and for the disappearing middle class and the disappearing opportunities for all. He has stepped up recently in much the same way Ron Paul is stepping up.

    Don't think the race the country has decided which is a good thing because we need a real debate.
