
April 6, 2011

Can you spell r-e-c-o-u-n-t?

"Final" number as of 1:41 a.m.: 3596/3630 precincts: Prosser: 733,074; Kloppenburg: 732,489.

For the math-impaired, that's a margin of 585.

For now, everyone's gone to bed, including the AP. Tomorrow, Scarlett, is another day. (Well, OK, today!)

April 3, 2011

City Shuts Down Racine Home Brew Club

We've heard reports over the weekend of a city bust at DP Wigley in Racine. The gist seems to be the Health Department shut down the Belle City Brew Club for drinking home-brewed beer at the store. Apparently state laws says you can only drink home-brewed beer in the home of the person who brewed it.

It seems DP Wigley got in trouble because they were giving away beer in the store, presumably without a liquor license. The Saturday event was a fundraiser for the Racine Urban Garden Network.

More on this as it comes together, including what it means for the local home brew club and for DP Wigley, which sells brewing supplies through its store, Hop To It.

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M&I Banks Says Goodbye to Little White Bank Envelopes

Quirky little story I came across this week at M&I Bank this week (yes, yes, pro-union folks, this is my bank). The company is replacing its little white envelopes at the drive up with reusable plastic cases. The "Cash Caddy"
is billed as a way to protect the environment. I'm sure it doesn't hurt the bank's bottom line, either.

Anyone else notice the change? Will you miss the white envelopes?

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